磨刀不误砍柴工 系列之 四 : Graph
- subgraph of graph G
A graph H whose vertices and edges are subsets of the vertices and edges of G. - spanning subgraph of graph G
A subgraph of G that contains all the vertices of the graph G. - connected graph
For any two vertices, there is a path between them. - froest
A graph without cycles. - tree
A connected forest, or a connected graph without cycles.
The definition of a tree is somewhat different from the one given in previous blogs. Previously, trees should be called rooted trees;in graph, trees should be called free trees.
Let G be an undirected graph with \( n \)
vertices and \( m \)
edges, then:
- If G is connected, then
\( m >= n - 1 \)
- If G is a tree, then
\( m = n - 1 \)
- If G is a forest, then
\( m <= n - 1 \)
Data Structures for Graphs
- edge list structure,
\( O(n + m) \)
space - adjacency list structure,
\( O(n + m) \)
space - adjacency matrix,
\( O(n^2) \)
To store the vertices, we use a container (eg: list or vector); To store edges, there is difference between edge/adjacency list and adjacency matrix. The former 2 structures only store the edges actually present in the graph, while the 3rd structure stores a placeholder for every pair of vertices.
Edge List
The edge list structure is possibly the simplest, tough not the most efficient, representation of a graph G.
[picture of edge list]
Adjacency List
The vertex object v holds a reference to a container \( I(v) \)
, called the incidence container; or if directed dges, container \( I_{in}(v), I_{out}(v) \)
The edge object for an edge (u,v) holds references to the positions of the edge in the incidence containters \( I(u) \)
and \( I(v) \)
[picture of adjacency list]
Ajacency Matrix
Represent the graph G with an nxn array, A, such that A[i,j] stores a reference tot he edge (i,j), if such an edge exists. If there is no edge (i,j), then A[i,j] is null.
Historically, the adjacency matric was the first representation used for graphs, defined as a Boolean matrix, as follows:
\[A[i,j] = \left\{\begin{matrix}
1 & if (i,j) is an edge \\
0 & otherwise
write the pesudo-code
- Pseudo-code for Recurisve Depth-First Search
Back edges connect a vertex \(v\)
to a previously visited vertex \(u\)
, each back edge implies a cycle in G, consisting of the discovery edges from \(u\)
to \(v\)
plus the back edge (\(u,v\)
Algorithm DFS(G,\(v\)
Input: A graph G and a vertex \(v\)
of G
Output: A labeling of the edges in the connected component of \(v\)
as discovery edges and back edges
for all edges \(e\)
in G.incidentEdges(\(v\)
) do
if edge \(e\)
is unexplored then
\( w \leftarrow \)
G.opposite(\( v,e \)
if vertex \(w\)
is unexplored then
label \(e\)
as a discovery edge
recursively call DFS(G,\(w\)
else </br>
label \(e\)
as a back edge
- Pseudo-code for a nonrecursive BFS traversal
BFS proceeds in rounds and subdivides the vertices into levels. From those that lead to already visited vertices, called cross edges.