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An Android SQLite Example
I don’t like database. Although sqlite is light-weighted and relatively easy to use, I don’t like using sqlite.
A most important reason is that DBs are not easy to set-up.
Next Stop -- California
– 20140622 –
I'm not an good programmer, I should be the first to admit it. I'm not a genius, but I'm gifted. The gift is I'm feeling happy while coding.
— Ranger Weng (@GaGa_Ek) June 22, 2014 -
Android Parcelable Inside Another Parcelable
It is too consuming to pass data using Java serializablein Android. Whereas, Android offers an other powerful tool: Parcelable.
Spam Filter (2) -- Bayes Theorem & Graham's Method
The basic algorithm of my Bayesian Filter is studied from Paul Graham’s post A PLAN FOR SPAM. I was firstly attracted on this topic by a Chinese version of it: 贝叶斯推断及其互联网应用: 定理简介 和 过滤垃圾邮件 (2011) Ruan Yi-feng (Bayesian Inference and Web Application: Introduction to the Theory & Spam Filtering)
Spam Filter (1) -- Data Resource & ROC Curve
This is my project of CS559 Machine Learning @Stevens 2013 Fall.
This project will design a Spam Filter based on the date set from Discovery Challenge workshop at ECML/PKDD 2006 in Berlin.
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磨刀不误砍柴工 系列之 五 : Strings and Pattern Matching